National Blue Ribbon Award 1996/1997

Mt.Woodson Elementary School is proud to state that we had received the National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Award for the 1996/97 school year from the United States Department of Education. Mt. Woodson was the only school from San Diego County to receive the award for that school year.
The Office of Educational Research and Improvement of the United States Department of Education recognizes exemplary schools through the National Blue Ribbon Schools program. The 13-year old program identifies and gives national recognition to a diverse group of public and private elementary and secondary schools that are unusually effective in meeting local, state. and national goals. Elementary and secondary schools are recognized in alternate years.
Blue Ribbon School status is awarded to urban, rural,and suburban schools
with such characteristics as:
• Strong leadership
• A clear vision and sense of mission that is shared by all connected with the school
• High-quality teaching
• An appropriate, up-to-date curriculum
• Policies and practices that ensure a safe environment conducive to learning
• Strong parental interest and involvement
• Evidence that the school helps all students achieve, in spite of their abilities
After a selection process by state departments of education, nominations are forwarded to the U.S. Department of Education. A 100-person National Review Panel of outstanding educators and other professionals reviews the nominations. The most promising schools are then visited by a site visitor for two days to verify the accuracy of information the school has provided and to report on school climate and instruction. After reviewing the site reports, the National Review Panel makes recommendations to the U.S. Secretary of Education, who then announces the names of the schools selected for recognition. The recognized schools are honored at a national ceremony in Washington D.C.