School Programs

Some of the events here at Mt. Woodson are scheduled by the school district, however, many of the programs are put on by our school. Some of the staff contribute their own time to schedule and coordinate these events for our students and their parents.

Back To School Night
back to school nighht

Back to School Night is held in September shortly after school begins. This is an opportunity to meet your child's teacher and see their classroom. Teachers will give a short introduction in their classroom on what they have planned for the school year. There is also a PTA sponsored silent auction in the library to raise funds for the school.

Book Fairs

2 years ago


Throughout the year, your student will bring home flyers from Scholastic with books to purchase. These purchases earn points for their class which enables their teacher to purchase classroom books. A couple times a year, Scholastic sponsors a book fair in the library. Each class brings their students and they may purchase books and/or book related items.

book fair

Character Counts

2 years ago

character counts

We believe in helping our scholars become well rounded individuals. One of our programs, Character Counts, focuses on building and displaying important character traits.  Once a month, a new character trait is introduced and teachers do a short presentation to the class. Throughout the school year, students can earn green cards for demonstrating good behavior. These green cards are signed by a parent and put into a box in the office.  Each morning, green cards are pulled out and students are recognized on the morning announcements for the character trait they displayed.  Those students may go to the office and collect a spirit tag for that character trait and choose a prize from the principal's box.  The character traits we focus on are:

Respect, Honesty, Responsibility
Justice, Courage, Compassion
Perseverance, and Gratitude.

Open House
open house

Open house is the sum of all the work your child has done throughout the year. Come say hello to their teacher and marvel at the creative accomplishments your child and their class have done all year.

Sixth Grade Camp

2 years ago


Sixth grade camp is a tradition here at Mt. Woodson.  Our sixth graders save up during the year with fundraisers and collecting recyclables.  Parents can take the preview tour to Camp Cuyamaca with their student before the camp week. 

6th grade camp
6th grade camp
Spelling Bee
spelling bee

Mt. Woodson's spelling bee is open to fourth, fifth and sixth graders. Each class holds their own spelling bee and has a winner and an alternate. Both are sent to the school spelling bee which is held in the cafeteria during the school day. Words are given to each participant at their grade level and eliminations go down until there is one Champion. Classes attend the spelling bee to watch and cheer on their friends and classmates. This year's spelling bee is on Tuesday, May 22, 2018.

Talent Show
talent show

The talent show is an event put on by the student council and performed in by the students. Students prepare a piece with the talent of their choice not to exceed two minutes. Auditions are open to all students. There is an evening performance for the parents and families and two school performances for the students.